
rain rain go away

it has been raining here for what seems like a month- this is very strange -fort collins is known for having over 300 days of sunshine a year. in fact, we're supposed to have more sun than phoenix. crazy, right? but i'm going to have to see the sun again to believe it.

along with all the rain comes being stuck in the house. this is not a good thing. abigail is cutting teeth like it's her job- i saw 3 new ones almost through this week. she is also clinging to my leg like it's her job. around the clock. i have to hide upstairs when adam comes home if i want a break. maybe we're both going a little crazy from being trapped indoors. i'm dreaming of sun, parks, pools, and long walks...

on the bright side (despite the rain), i finally learned that i received a graduate teaching asisstantship for school this fall! this is good, both for the money and the experience. it will mean abigail will be at the babysitters more often than i hoped. fortunately, the babysitter is her uncle dan, and she adores him. that will help ease my guilt at least. i think it will be good for our family.

we're also looking forward to seeing adam's parents this weekend and my family next week for my sister's weding. in july we make another trip to iowa, and in august we're heading for new mexico purely for fun. and hopefully some sun...

enjoy a few recent pictures below. as always, you can click on our photo link on the right for more.

trying some cotton candy at the rockies game


lord of the rings


in the news

"mother driven insane by reading goodnight moon 93 times daily"

"sneaky baby devours entire can of veggie puffs left on floor"

"missing teddy bear located in toilet with contents of dirty diaper"

"dad resorts to horsey noises to prevent public tantrum"

"mom sets record for time spent chasing child down grocery aisle"

"surprised parents discover child sticking food up nose"


good night little bunny

i decided i'm going to be a rabbit when i grow up.

outside our window. 7:00 AM

10:00 AM

12:00 PM

1:00 PM

2:30 PM.
now doesn't that look nice...


life in a small space

occasionally adam and i have a discussion about the number of people we could reasonably expect to live in our house...no, we're not expecting twins or family moving in, but ever since we bought a townhouse instead of a single family home, we've had to rethink our ideas about living space.

people have interesting reactions to our home, anything ranging from amazement that we can comfortably live with three people inside such a (shockingly!) small space (1860 sq. ft), to asking us when we plan to purchase a "real home." (we still know people who call our house an apartment and seem to imply that an apartment is not a "real home." another issue, another day). i recently had a conversation with another mom who told me she can't imagine her family living in a townhouse much longer because her two girls need to have their own bedrooms (for privacy) and a bigger backyard.

i thought about this a bit and reflected on a book i read during my semester in chicago - sidewalks in the kingdom (eric jacobsen). the book focuses on christianity as it relates to new urbanism, a movement dedicated to creating compact and sustainable living environments. new urbanist communities are meant to be an alternative to suburban sprawl, with pedestrian friendly design (a 10 minute walk to everything you need), a well designed street grid, mixed use housing and zoning (creating diversity), high quality architecture, and traditional neighborhoods (a discernible city center with public space, among other things). an example for those familiar with fort collins-rigden farms is designed to be a new urbanist neighborhood.

space and community are interesting concepts to consider from a christian perspective. as jacobsen points out, it can be difficult for us to live in christian community when we are overly concerned about keeping our fences high enough for privacy and searching for our country acreages far away from people who might bother us. we'd hate to be forced to ask our neighbors to turn their music down, so instead of working out our differences, we use space to avoid confrontation. we spend huge amounts of time in the car on our way to the grocery store and work. certainly, getting to know your neighbors is more possible when you can run to the grocery store, bike to work, walk to church and barbeque with friends all within the same neighborhood.

i think my friend might miss some learning opportunities when she moves her girls to a bigger home. i admit, there are many days when i wish we had a yard and a couple extra bedrooms for visitors. but when people come to stay we are forced to trip over them on air mattresses in our living room and basement- and you know what? we always have fun. and we have a pretty sweet park within walking distance of our house.

i can't quote sidewalks because i lent my copy to a friend, but i'm only touching on a few things in the book. it's a good read, and you might find it a bit provocative...but it's not meant to be a bash on small towns and rural life. community building is definitely a worthwhile and biblical pursuit, regardless of whether you live in small town iowa or new york city. and for those who wonder when we will buy a "real home-" i'm looking outside this morning and missing the neighbors in our old apartment- i used to cross the hall in my slippers and invite the neighbor for a cup of coffee. and we used to have great summer barbeques...


none but Jesus

in the quiet, in the stillness
i know that you are God
in the secret of your presence
i know there i am restored

when you call, i won't refuse
each new day again i'll choose

there is no one else for me
none but Jesus
crucified to set me free
now i live to bring him praise

in the chaos, in confusion
i know you're sovreign still
in the moment of my weakness
you give me grace to do your will

so when you call i won't delay
this my song through all my days

there is no one else for me
none but Jesus
crucified to set me free
now i live to bring him praise

all my delight is in you, Lord
all of my hope, all of my strength
all my delight is in you , Lord,

(Brooke Fraser)


zebras are reactionaries, antelopes are missionaries

much to mommy's excitement, abigail recently discovered animals. of course, she noticed grandpa and grandma's puppies at christmas, but we also got up close and personal with some other furry friends at the zoo and the farm in fort collins.

we visited the farm on a beautiful day (don't be fooled by the snow still on the ground). abigail got so excited about the animals, we actually caused a scene. other people were coming over and taking her picture. she was squealing.

the tractor pose for daddy. he looked at the picture and immediately knew what model of tractor it was. once a farm boy, always a farm boy.

sheep breath! gross.

i didn't let her get quite close enough for a sheep smooch though.

she liked the goat...

but wasn't so sure about it eating her jacket.

we went on her first trip to the denver zoo with some friends on a free day, which also turned out to be a warm day- above 65 degrees. needless to say, the zoo was swamped.

all the kids

checking out the komodo dragon

easier to see in this picture.

abigail, haley and henry checking out the tropical fish.

staci was also a fan.

the little kids get the best view.

eating off the ground
a favorite activity at our house. she spilled almost the entire bag and then only ate the dirty ones.

abigail's zoo highlight- the ducks. what a kid.

posing with the giraffes.
o.k. this is getting long enough. soon maybe you'll see aquarium pics. that's the next destination on my list. these outings are really for the parents, not the kids.


happy birthday adam and abigail!

we've been very busy since christmas. we had a nice time in iowa seeing all of our family (both sides) and some extended family and friends too. abigail did well for her first long road trip. she loved grandpa and grandmas' houses (a hot tub, dogs, what more could a kid want, right?), and she officially had her first pizza ranch pizza. i know, so worth commemorating. she also didn't sleep almost the entire time, but we are now catching up because she has started sleeping through the night!!! it only took one year...i forgot what it feels like to be rested. i don't think i realized how sleep deprived we actually were until now. oh well, what's one sleepless year...i'm sure we'll have plenty more.

speaking of one year, we also recently celebrated abigail's first birthday and adam's 25th birthday. hope he doesn't mind me publicly announcing his age. here are a few highlights of abigail's birthday and her one year pictures. click on our photo link for the rest of the birthday photos and christmas photos. we've got some cute cake eating video as well...enjoy!