
seven things

I was tagged a while ago by janelle to do "7 things people don't know about you" and now amy tagged me with a different list, so this is the combination of those two. I also thought I should dedicate a few to adam, since this is also his blog, even though we all know who is doing the blogging.

OK. seven things people don't know about me and adam.

1. i once signed a contract with my sister margaret that i would be a tight rope walker in the circus someday or pay her a million dollars.

2. i can't sleep without socks on.

3. adam was scared of the vaccuum cleaner as a child.

4. adam learned to drive at the age of 7.

5. i, however, attemped to drive at the age of 14 and hit a wall.

6. i count my steps when i run.

7. adam is so addicted to this show about logging on the discovery channel, that i can't even get him to tell me interesting things about himself.

OK, and now i have to tag 7 people. let's do sarah, sar, becca, tara, amy, margaret, danielle. i can't imagine anyone male i would tag would do this.

mission accomplished. i'm trying to be speedy now, because both abigail and our little babysitting girl are sleeping, but i suspect it won't be for long.

1. What are your nicknames?

Unfortunately, most of them have to do with inappropriate rhymes and are not fit to publish here. On the appropriate list, Kater(s), Special K, Kate the Great, Katie Pie, Katie Bug. Also, I believe Cracker was the universal nickname for us white folk in my apartment junior year of college. I can't wait to tag Tara for this one, because her nicknames are hilarious.

2. What game show and/or reality show would you like to be on?
jeopardy or wheel of fortune. i can't imagine i would do well on a reality show.

3. What was the first movie you bought on DVD or VHS?
while you were sleeping and the princess bride

.4. What is your favorite scent?
i'm generally a fruity person, but vanilla is probably my favorite. if we're talking perfume, I love burberry weekend. it smells like candy.

5. If you had one million dollars that you could only spend on yourself, what would you do with it?
pay debt, college for the kid and future kids, TRAVEL! big house for my parents.

6. What one place have you visited that you can't forget and want to go back?
well, the reason i put travel in the previous question is that all my dreams of travel have been dashed since having a child. our travel fund became abigail's college fund. mexico and canada are as far as i've gotten. adam says my answer is chicago and he might be right. but my dream trip would be greece and turkey.

7. Do you trust easily? no

8. Do you think before you act, or act before you think?
depends on the situation and how emotionally involved i am

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy lately?
being cooped up at home, especially when it is cold out! and seeing abigail so miserable when she's teething.

10. Do you have a good body image?
does any woman? we are always our own harshest critics. i hated being skinny growing up. ironically, my body image has improved since having abigail.

11. What is your favorite fruit?
raspberries and strawberries. always the expensive ones.

12. What websites do you visit daily?
facebook, cnn, theonion (maybe not quite daily, but often), craigslist b/c i am looking for another pack n play.

13. What have you been seriously addicted to lately?
well, it can't be politics anymore since the election is over. mint truffle hot cocoa, long walks, re-reading my anne lamott books, say yes to the dress on TLC.

14. What is the last song you got stuck in your head?
in a little while, U2

15. What is your favorite item of clothing?
jeans and tanks

16. Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy?
no, i eat them for breakfast all the time because they are cheap, and i'm really sick of them.

17. What would you do if you found $100 laying on the ground?
pick it up, rip it into lots of little pieces, and throw it to the wind. no, not seriously. i would suspect someone was setting me up.

18. What items could you not go without during the day?
almost the same as yours amy- cell phone, chapstick, but right now it would be my Newsweek rather than a book. and a hair tie.

19. What should you be doing right now?
resting. which is exactly what i'm doing.

20. Name 3 people who should be tagged. tara, becca, sarah, sar and janelle. I can't limit myself to 3.